Tuesday, June 12, 2007

the app

just to transfer onto the other comp innitttt

The ApplicationName:
rhiannon. hi, nice to meet you.

female. apparently.

15. 16 in three weeks, oh yeah.

single, as per always.


Sexual Preference:
i’m bi.

Who invited you?
that would be ---danny---

Tell us about yourself:
i’m a hyper-emotional, bitter girl, and i love creativity and honesty more than anything in the world. i never lie about myself; i am perfectly happy within my own skin and even though everybody says it, i mean it right down to the pit of my stomach. even if everybody turned around to me one day and said "i’ve never seen anybody else as ugly as you," i could still look in the mirror and say "you’re beautiful."

i try to be nice to people because being nasty isn’t in my nature. it makes me feel so guilty i might as well be being eaten up from the inside. i get along with everybody i can because i’ve found out that there’s no point in having enemies. people are only in your life for a short time so it’s best to be their friend.

i have fallen in love and had my heart broken only once in my life and that’s quite enough for the time being. i don’t think i want a family but maybe one day i will live in a big old house where i can paint rotting meat on huge canvases while my two little girls, regina and kimya, play barefoot and wild in the garden. maybe.

i love to dance barefoot in the rain. i love comfort-eating chocolate and sitting on the grass on warm days with my friends. writing is my life; it’s all i’ve ever wanted to do and all i ever will.

i live on pluto because i decided a long time ago that if i didn’t get out of the real world soon, i was going to die of boredom.

ps. i hate capital letters like i don’t hate many other things.

Choose a topic, and tell us your opinion about it:
perhaps it will seem a weird topic to discuss.
it’s not so much that i have an opinion on "children", rather, i have an extremely vehement opinion on the lack of morals that children seem to display now.
i want to know what happened to the days when kids ran around with mucky knees, playing hide and seek and riding their bikes, thinking their imaginary games were the absolute bomb. when make up and boyfriends were icky things for teenagers. i want to know what happened to the innocence of childhood.
i’d like to know when it decided to go on holiday, leaving some tarted up ghost of what childhood once was behind it.
why are ten year olds suddenly wearing as much make up as i do, and clothes that anybody with half a sense of moral decency would consider slutty? i just want to know when all of a sudden children decided they don’t want to be children anymore. they want to be miniature adults.
my temper was particularly sparked when reading a magazine article the other night, concerning a ten year old girl. she spends 17 hours a week and several hundred pounds a month on her beauty regime – her make up, dying her hair, getting a fake tan. she went shopping every weekend, and always got the "latest fashions" – cropped tops, short skirts and boots. i hope i’m not the only one seeing something wrong with this picture! she gets up early for school every day so her mum can do her make up and curl her hair, even though her teachers don’t like it. it’s against the school rules to wear false nails, but she has them done anyway. she claims she has to look "beautiful" because "nobody wants to talk to you if you’re ugly".
a nine year old girl featured in the same article claimed she would never wear supermarket clothing "because it looks tacky and people would laugh".
and it’s not like these girls are particularly mature, sensitive, intelligent girls either! the first girl says that if she doesn’t get something she wants, she "screams and shouts and cries" until her mum gives in and buys her it.
this disgusts me. i do, understand, however, that it’s not the children who are to blame. it’s the parents. yes, it’s likely that little girls are going to ask for make up and clothing that’s too old for them – it’s the parents’ job to say no to things that are unsuitable! their parents seem to be under the impression that the way they dress their children isn’t causing any harm to them. oh no, because making your little girl all the more attractive to paedophiles isn’t harming her at all! turning your child into a vain, self-obsessed little shit – that’s perfectly all right!
whatever happened to teaching your children morals? what happened to parents encouraging their children to do well academically, or do well in sport, or to be creative? when i was a kid, i knew it didn’t matter if somebody was "beautiful" or "ugly" – because either way, it wouldn’t stop them being a decent, honest person - and that, in the end, is what is truly important.

Post from 3-7 pictures of yourself.
Must include:
-Body Pic
-Picture of your face

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