Sunday, September 24, 2006

chapter 3: "My Konstantine..."

"You spin around me like a dream
We played out on this movie screen
And I said
Did you know I missed you?
Did you know I missed you?
Did you know I missed you?"
-"Konstantine" Something Coroporate

You know, I am so BORED of prettiness.

Seriously. My art coursework is folds and distortion in skin and cloth, and it's so difficult to find magazine pictures of anybody with wrinkles or fat!

And I compared a picture of a perfect-skinned, young, slender model with an "ugly", fat, wrinkled woman in a painting, and I looked and looked and I thought, how boring the model is! Pretty skinny girls are tuppence a dozen, you see them everywhere with their drainpipe jeans and glittering ballet flats, all looking the same same same. They blend into one. Same face shape and features, same hair, same figure. They're not memorable, it's so boring and bland!

I don't think I want to be pretty if it's this boring. Bloodshot eyes and see through skin, ribcage jutting out, and just simply not being perfect...I don't mind it anymore. idonteverwanttobeperfect!!! I want there to be a story people see when they look at me, I just want to be remembered as more than Just Another Girl.

Music: "Konstantine" Something Corporate

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